Madison L.


I helped Madison establish consistency!

If you were to ask me how many workout guides I have done since high school to now my answer for you is too many. Even though I have done so many, I have not stick with one for more than 3-6 months. Through a friend and seeing her amazing transformation I contacted JACLYN via Instagram. Together we worked through a meal plan on foods I liked, and a plan that worked for me. Soon I was asking for more than a meal plan, a fitness plan as well.

Over a year later and I am the happiest I have ever been and do not plan on going back.

The difference between JACLYN than a workout guide and regular meal plan is that she is not looking to have you for 6 weeks and all of a sudden you are slim fit and where you want to be. Her goal is to knowledge you, and create these healthier habits in your life so it can be a way of life. From working with JACLYN I have learned the different type of food groups and all the importance they have on the body. She is available at your fingertips with any question (literally) you may have but also allows you the freedom to make choices on your own that you want.

Her workouts have taught me that progress takes time and patience but with consistency and drive you will get to where you want to be. She has taught me that most social media posts are fake, and things you hear are myths. Instead staying to true to yourself and listening to how your body feels is how you will get true results. While working with her she has also boosted my confidence and helped me grow mentally. Together her and I have created a way to achieve goals in a safe, natural, healthy way that is suitable for me that does not cause any mental or physical triggers. This was huge for me due to the pressures society throws on woman or certain expectations people may have from a typical “6 week ab challenge.” Since my mentality on working out has change emotionally I am able to be the best version of myself not only for me but for my friends, family and boyfriend as well. They have seen my confidence grow and happiness return.

JACLYN is the most hands on instructor I have ever met. She brings out the best in her clients by listening to their needs whenever a change is needed. I would not trade what her and I have created for the world. She’ll be training me for my wedding day, helping me while I’m pregnant and help me get the baby weight off. She’s truly my life line and life coach!